Frequently Asked Questions
Do you provide International delivery?
Postage and handling charges vary by item, size of order, delivery service requested and final destination. For the most accurate estimate, please contact us by e-mail or phone. Our default shipping method currently is FedEx International shipping (economy or priority depending on location) because it is significantly more reliable than other international shipping methods and is delivered direct to your door, and not therefore held up in customs. For most international shipping orders this means a minimum of around $60 per box shipped or 10-12% of the total order for large orders. This should provide a rough estimate for budgeting purposes. Less expensive as well as more expensive methods are also available upon request.
Please contact us for specific shipping information.
Note: All formal estimates come with an accurate shipping quote.
How do I return an item?
SATISFACTION IS GUARANTEED! If, for ANY reason, you are not completely satisfied with a cast, please return it for exchange or refund.
As casting technology has evolved, our replicas have evolved through three basic materials. We began in 1986 with replicas made of plaster impregnated with polyurethane. These were detailed but fragile. We then made casts in epoxy, which was much more durable, but dangerous and difficult for us to pour and trim (though safe in the final product). We are currently using a resin that is safer for us, and gives incredible detail in a durable cast.
If you own an epoxy or today’s resin cast, you may clean the cast with soap and water or mineral spirits. Mineral spirits may remove some of the oil paint wash used to accentuate detail, but it will not harm the cast itself. You could even put the casts in a dishwasher (ok, maybe you don’t want to do that, but you could!).
If you own a plaster cast, you may clean it with a damp cloth using a cleaning solution (like Orange Clean or Windex), but do not soak the cast. Plaster is reasonably strong when it is cured and dry, but it weakens when wet. If your cast gets very wet, just set it aside and let it dry.
Even though today’s resin cast is durable, students are experts at blunt force trauma to teaching materials, and accidents may happen. With any broken cast (plaster, epoxy, or today’s resin), use 5-minute epoxy for the repairs. If you wish, you may use Super Glue on the epoxy or resin, but it doesn’t work very well on the plaster.
If you would like us to repair the cast, give us a call!

Partial Bibliography for SA001 through SA010
Brooks, S. & Suchey, J.M. (1990) Skeletal age determination based on the os pubis: a comparison of the Acsadi-Nemeskeri and Suchey-Brooks methods. Human Evolution, 5(3): 227-238.
Katz, D. & Suchey, J.M. (1986) Age determination of the male os pubis. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 69: 427-435.
Klepinger, L.L., Katz, D., Micozzi, M.S., & Carroll, L. (1992) Evaluation of cast methods for estimating age from the os pubis. Journal of Forensic Sciences, JFSCA, 37(3): 763-770.
Owings Webb, P.A. & Suchey, J.M. (1985) Epiphyseal union of the anterior iliac crest and medial clavicle in a modern multiracial sample of American males and females, American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 68: 457-466.
Suchey, J.M., Wiseley, D.V., Green, R.F., & Noguchi, T.T. (1979) Analysis of dorsal pitting in the os pubis in an extensive sample of modern American females. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 51(4): 517-540.
Sutherland, L.D., & Suchey, J.M. (1991), Use of the ventral arc in pubic sex determination, Journal of Forensic Sciences, JFSCA, 36(2): 501-511.