23 items found for ""
- Cranial Series | France Casting
Non Human Primate Cranial Series Please Contact us by -or- to order or request an estimate. PR004 Chimpanzee Male Skull $319.00 Cranium and mandible in excellent condition. From Arizona State University PR004s Chimpanzee Male, Split Skull $329.00 Cranium and mandible in excellent condition, from Arizona State University. Split cranium shows endocranial detail. (We don't currently have a photo of the split cranium, but it's the same cast. PR1224 Chimpanzee Female Skull $289.00 Cranium and mandible, from the San Diego Museum of Man, is in perfect condition. PR006 Gorilla Male Skull $329.00 This male is in excellent condition, from Northern Illinois University, DeKalb. PR007 Gorilla Female Skull $319.00 Cranium and mandible with some reconstructed teeth and an area of abscess, otherwise, it is in great condition. From Kansas State University, Manhattan. PR301 Orangutan Male Skull $329.00 Cranium and mandible of adult male Pongo pygmaeus from Borneo who died from injuries from another orangutan. His teeth are moderately worn, but the skull is in excellent condition. PR063 Orangutan Female Skull $299.00 Cranium and mandible of a 23 year old female, in excellent condition. PR060 Juvenile Orangutan Male Skull $269.00 Cranium and mandible of a 7 year old male (2nd molars are just erupting), is in good condition. PR114496 Siamang Male Skull $209.00 Male Siamang gibbon skull, in excellent condition. PR035 Olive Baboon Skull $279.00 Cranium and mandible in excellent condition with very large canines. For bronze finish, please inquire about prices
- NMK FAQ | France Casting
How are we doing this? France Casting has an agreement with the National Museums of Kenya to be their distributors. Our agreement allows us to accept purchase orders for National Museums of Kenya casts. By making these casts available through France Casting, we are expanding the opportunity for many of you to purchase genuine National Museums of Kenya casts. Why are we doing this? You deserve an accurate cast made from the original, not material estimated from photographs or measurements of a cast of the specimen. If you buy directly from the National Museums of Kenya or indirectly through France Casting, you are providing support for the museums in Kenya. Most importantly, you contribute to the continuation of field work efforts to locate more of these magnificent finds. Are we making money on the deal? The price of the cast is the same to you, whether offered by France Casting or from the National Museums of Kenya. They discount the price of each cast to us just enough to cover our efforts in making this process possible. KNM ER 23000 cranium superior KP 29283 maxilla halves articulated LH5 maxilla KNM ER 23000 cranium superior 1/7 Why Should you buy from us? Every cast you buy directly from The National Museums of Kenya or through France Casting gives some assurance that the incredible research programs engaged in locating, excavating, studying, casting, and distributing the original fossils will continue. The National Museums of Kenya have requested both respect for their products and that other possible sources not duplicate those products without permission. France Casting has put together this program in order to insure that high quality casts will be available to those who expect that quality. Buying from other suppliers provides no guarantee of support for the National Museums of Kenya or their continuing research efforts. The availability of France Casting as an intermediary distributor was developed principally in order to facilitate purchases from Kenya in circumstances where there may be some hesitancy with ordering from a foreign source.
- Contact | France Casting
CONTACT US Any questions, comments, or concerns contact us! Contact Information Owner: Shane H Walker, M.A. Address: France Casting 1713 Willox Court Ste A Fort Collins, Colorado 80524 Phone: 970.221.4044 Fax: 970.482.4766 Email: Hours: Mon-Fri: 9:00am-5:00pm Sat-Sun: Closed Better Than Bone Museum Quality Skeletal Replicas SEND US A MESSAGE! Success! Message received. I want to receive notification on new items. Send!
- Fragmentary Cast Series | France Casting
Fragmentary Cast Series Please Contact us by -or- to order or request an estimate. FC001 Full Fragments Collection #1 $1650.00 or by the piece Collection #1 comes with 55 fragments. The set includes cranial & postcranial fragments, as well as, five non-human fragments. For a list or pictures, please contact us. *PRICES FOR INDIVIDUAL FRAGMENTS* 1-24 Fragments: $40.00 per fragment. 25-49 Fragments: $35.00 per fragment. FC002 Full Fragmentary Collection #2 $1440.00 Includes the full set of 46 fragments currently available. This set includes cranial & postcranial fragments, as well as, a few non-human fragments for variety. ***PRICES FOR INDIVIDUAL FRAGMENTS*** 1-24 Fragments: $40.00 per fragment. 25-54 Fragments: $35.00 per fragment.
- Pathology and Anomaly Casts | France Casting
Human Pathology and Anomalies Please Contact us by -or- to order or request an estimate. PA001 Amputated Humerus $139.00 Well-healed amputated humerus documented 40 weeks from amputation to death, from National Museum of Health and Medicine. PA003 Parietal Bones with Tertiary Syphilis $159.00 This cast is a good alternative to our syphilis cranium (CS030) if you are working with a smaller budget. Excellent detail (see photo). PA004 Amputated Proximal Tibia and Fibula $219.00 Documented 14 months from amputation to death; exhibits tremendous infection. From National Museum of Health and Medicine. PA005 Amputated Femoral Shaft $139.00 Documented six weeks from amputation to re-amputation, exhibits sequestration and callus. From National Museum of Health and Medicine. PA006 Cranial Sections w/ Gunshot Wounds $549.00 for the entire set. $99.00 per individual element. These are from documented individuals from the Civil War, and have known intervals from injury to death of 5 days, 9 days, 20 days, 32 days, 37 days, 51 days, and 10 years. Price includes history of treatment, where known, from the post surgeons. From National Museum of Health and Medicine. PA007 Fetal Cranium- Cyclopia $169.00 This infant had one orbit for both eyes. Cast includes cranium and mandible in excellent condition. From Nation Museum of Health and Medicine. PA008 Fetal Cranium- Anencephaly $169.00 Cranium and mandible in excellent condition, from National Museum of Health and Medicine. PA009 Microcephalic Cranium $299.00 Small cranium with completely united sagittal suture (scaphocephaly?). No teeth present, but otherwise cranium is in excellent condition. Lower picture places this cranium next to our CS012 Mexican American male cranium for a visual comparison. PA010 Sequestrum $139.00 A sequestrum is a detached or dead piece of bone within an abscess or wound. This sequestrum was removed from the leg of an individual who was shot 6 months earlier during the Civil War. It measures about 6 inches in length. From National Museum of Health and Medicine. PA011 Calvarium with Trephination $189.00 This Civil War soldier was shot on September 17, 1862. The doctors performed a trephination on October 11, 1862, and he died the same day. This cast shows the infection on the interior of the calvarium, and shows the smooth edges of the trephination. From the National Museum of Health and Medicine. PA012 Femur with Shot Fracture and Infection $239.00 This individual was injured in a street brawl in which his left femur was severely fractured. The leg became severely infected. The individual died just under 2 months from the date of injury from exhaustion. The bone is in two pieces and shows extensive effects of infection. PA013 Septic Arthritis of the Knee $239.00 This bone shows extensive septic arthritis resulting in a fused femur and tibia. Excellent details from the original are captured in this cast. PA014 Tuberculosis in the Proximal Femur and Os Coxae $239.00 This cast shows extensive damage caused by tuberculosis in the hip joint. PA015 Tuberculosis in the Lower Vertebral Column $309.00 This cast shows extensive damage caused by tuberculosis to the lower vertebral column including vertebrae T11-L4 PA016 Brucellosis in the Lower Vertebrae $299.00 This cast shows the damage caused to various vertebrae as a result of brucellosis. Only the most severe vertebral cases were cast including 2 lumbar and 3 thoracic vertebrae. PA017 Septic Arthritis of the Left Hand $129.00 This cast shows extensive damage caused by septic arthritis, including complete fusion and massive remodeling of the carpal region and proximal metacarpal bones. PA018 Segmentation Error in the Lumbar/Sacral Region $219.00 This cast displays a segmentation error involving at least two lumbar vertebrae and the upper sacrum. Beautiful detail was able to be captured from this original. PA019 Excised Humeral Fragments from Civil War Gun Shot Wound $219.00 This individual was wounded during the Civil War by a conoidal musket ball that shattered the neck and upper portion of the left humerus. The humeral head and accompanying fragment were then removed after which the individual made a remarkable recovery. Detailed documentation of the medical history of this individual will accompany each cast copy which includes a incredible photo displaying his healed injury. PA020 Humerus with Civil War Gun Shot Wound $249.00 This right humerus displays the results of a gun shot wound received during the Civil War. The diaphyseal portion of the humerus was fractured and fragmented. The bone shows no evidence of healing. No other information is available at this time. PA021 Cranium with Civil War Gun Shot Wound $359.00 This cranium derives from the Civil War era. It shows classic entry and exit wounds as well as radiating fractures caused by a gun shot wound. No remodeling of the injured bone has taken place indicating that this was a perimortem injury. The nasal bones are absent and the dentition is incomplete but includes the following: right side-M3, M2, M1, PM2, PM1 and fragmented C; left side- M2(with caries), M1, PM1, C (ectopic eruption) & LI fractured; all other teeth are absent. PA900 Modern 91 Year Old European American Female $1,279.00 This set includes the five elements listed directly below under item numbers PA901-PA905. They include a trephined cranium with mandible, and arthritic elements including the shoulder girdle, lumbar vetrebra, left first foot phalanges, and a medically repaired fracture of the right femur, all from a documented modern 91 year old European American female. This is a great set useful for many applications. PA901 Osteoarthritis, Shoulder Girdle $279.00 Osteoarthritis in the shoulder girdle from a 91 year old female. Set includes clavicle, scapula, and humerus. Individual bones are available as well. PA902 Osteoarthritis, Lumbar Vertebra $269.00 Osteoarthritis in lumbar vertebra from a 91 year old female. Set includes four consecutive lumbar vertebra showing extensive osteoarthritis. PA903 Medically Repaired Healed in Osteoarthritic Femur $279.00 This femur is from the 91 year old female set above. It was fractured, medically repaired, and shows the process of healing in an osteoarthritic femur. PA904 Osteoarthritis, Human Foot Phalanges $119.00 Left first digit proximal, middle, and distal phalanges of a 91 year old European American female with osteoarthritis.
- Other Casts | France Casting
Other Casts Please Contact us by -or- to order or request an estimate. MS001 Black Bear Hindpaw Disarticulated: $219.00 Articulated: $259.00 Articulated with brass wire (unless you specify elastic cord), this is a hindpaw from a black bear, including the calcaneus through the terminal phalanges (bone core for claws). From California State University, Chico, and is cast in resin. MS004 Black Bear Forepaw Disarticulated: $219.00 Articulated: $259.00 Forepaw, including carpals, articulated with brass wire and springs (unless you specify elastic cord), from a black bear. From California State University, cast in resin. MS003 Bear Cranium and Mandible $279.00 U. americanus, in excellent condition. MS006 Mountain Lion Cranium and Mandible $269.00 This large adult male had a broken canine, but that has been reconstructed, and we hope you can't tell which one it is. MS007 Hyena Male Skull $279.00 This skull is in excellent condition, from Egypt. MS008 Tiger Male Skull $439.00 Cranium and mandible are in excellent condition. MS009 Swan Furculum $39.00 Do your students really know their anatomy? Try this on them! Even some experts confuse this with an edentulous mandible. For picture please reach out. We like to keep this one under wraps so as not to give away the fun. MS100 Katanda Bone Points $85.00 per element. Barbed bone points from Zaire, dating to approximately 80,000 BP (or more), excavated by Alison Brooks, Ph.D. and John E. Yellen, Ph.D. between 1986 and 1990 (Science 268:548-556, 1995). Originals are currently at the Smithsonian Institution. Second picture shows all the items available currently. We custom paint these to approximate the original coloring. Excellent for display purposes. There are 12 pieces available: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, 1, 4, 8, 9, K9:10.
- Complete Primate Series | France Casting
Complete Non Human Primate Series Please Contact us by -or- to order or request an estimate. PR100 Complete Articulated Chimpanzee Disarticulated: $2,749.00 Articulated: $3,739.00 A complete, adult male chimpanzee is articulated with brass rods, wire and springs, and mounted on furniture-grade oak base with casters for easy maneuvering. From Arizona State University in Tempe, “Chuck” succumbed to coccidiomycosis, but only the atlas and one occipital condyle demonstrates the disease (though some other bones have been somewhat reconstructed). Shipping varies by destination. PR200 Complete Articulated Gorilla Disarticulated: $3,999.00 Articulated: $5,499.00 This big male gorilla stands almost 4 feet tall when articulated in knuckle-walking position with brass rods, wire and springs on a furniture-grade oak base with casters for easy maneuvering. This gorilla was “taken” from the wild. The skeleton is in excellent condition. From Northern Illinois University at DeKalb. Shipping varies by destination. Available articulated or disarticulated. PR300 Complete Orangutan Articulated Disarticulated: $3,849.00 Articulated: $5,279.00 This large male orangutan succumbed to a bite from another orangutan while in a rehabituation colony in Borneo. Articulated with brass rods, wire and springs. Call for details concerning base. Shipping varies by destination. Disarticulated available as well.
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